


All the pictures come from Flickr website, copyright to the original author.


The usage of magnify is very simple.

1.Include files

<link href="/path/to/magnify.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="/path/to/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/jquery.magnify.js"></script>

The icons in magnify use font-awesome default, you can customize them in options. If you use default options, you should link font-awesome css.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

2.Html structure

The default structure as below:

<a data-magnify="gallery" href="big-1.jpg">
  <img src="small-1.jpg">
<a data-magnify="gallery" href="big-2.jpg">
  <img src="small-2.jpg">
<a data-magnify="gallery" href="big-3.jpg">
  <img src="small-3.jpg">


<img data-magnify="gallery" data-src="big-1.jpg" src="small-1.jpg">
<img data-magnify="gallery" data-src="big-2.jpg" src="small-2.jpg">
<img data-magnify="gallery" data-src="big-3.jpg" src="small-3.jpg">

All structures above have optional attributes as below:

3.Call plugin

If you add a data-magnify attribute, you can write none of js.

Of course, you can use selector to call the plugin as following code:



Name Type Default Description
draggable boolean true If ture, it allow modal dragging
resizable boolean true If ture, it allow modal resizing.
movable boolean true If ture, it allow image moving.
keyboard boolean true If ture, it allow keyboard control. It is similar to Windows viewer.

prev image

next image

+ zoom in image

- zoom out image

ctrl + alt + 0 image autual size

ctrl + , rotate image left

ctrl + . rotate image right

title boolean true If ture, it will show image title on header.
fixedModalSize boolean false Init modal size will expand with image size.
modalWidth number 320 Set init modal width. The option is only available when you set fixedModalSize true
modalHeight number 320 Set init modal height. The option is only available when you set fixedModalSize true
gapThreshold number 0.02 There will have a gap if modal too big to beyond the browser.
ratioThreshold number 0.01 Image zoom ratio threshold
minRatio number 0.1 (10%) The min ratio to show image.
maxRatio number 16 (1600%) The max ratio to show image.
icons: {
maximize string fa fa-window-maximize The maximize button class
close string fa fa-close The close button class
zoomIn string fa fa-search-plus The zoomIn button class
zoomOut string fa fa-search-minus The zoomOut button class
prev string fa fa-arrow-left The prev button class
next string fa fa-arrow-right The next button class
fullscreen string fa fa-photo The fullscreen button class
actualSize string fa fa-arrows-alt The actualSize button class
rotateLeft string fa fa-rotate-left The rotateLeft button class
rotateRight string fa fa-rotate-right The rotateRight button class
headToolbar array [
The buttons display in header toolbar.
footToolbar array [
The buttons display in footer toolbar.
fixedContent boolean true If true, the content will be fixed.